
2010 IMC run

2010 IMC run
Mile 7 or 8, still feeling good

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Heart of the Lakes Triathlon

This is a favorite race of mine. First time I raced it was back in the 80's, in my Speedo, steel frame bike, Tinley tights, and Oakleys. During one awards ceremony (a couple dozen people standing around awaiting hand calculated race results), the announcer read a note: "Greg LeMond just won the Tour de France by 6 seconds".

Now they cap the race at 1000 people. This modest little race has become the MN state championship. My time this year, 2:04:28, my first triathlon since IMC last August. Not a record, but 12 minutes faster than my last HOLT triathlon in 2006.
Swim: 17:15 slow, stayed wide, easy stroking
Bike: 59:59 21 mph, Mostly small chainring
Run: 41:51 7:53/mile, felt like an easy pace
All in all very pleased. I was concerned about pacing, because I haven't raced in a year. I had lots left in the tank, and I had FUN.

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